Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bricking and plastering done

Very impressed with the progress this week. The bricks have all been laid and we are really happy with the progress.

First some brick pics for you....

The first bricks being exciting! The pictures follow the progress of the bricks until they are done.

Nearly done.....

The finished product......
Some pictures of the plastering.

I also took some videos of the plastering as it is hard to get perspective from photos.

The first video is of the main bathroom and bedrooms, plus the lounge room that is off the patio.

This is the entrance way, formal lounge and dining, kitchen and sunroom.

This is our room, walk-in-robe and ensuite. Check our view! Jealous much?????

Not sure what is happening this week as our site supervisor was away on Friday when we usually get our update. Really pleased to see how quickly things are moving along :)

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