Saturday, September 19, 2009

Site cut 17th Sept 2009

The day has finally arrived when we are starting to build our house. J and I were super excited and met the site supervisor up at the land at 730am. He went over the plans with us and answered some questions that we had about the process. He then gave us a construction key so that when the house is in lockup stage we will be able to go in at any time to look at the progress. This is one of the reasons that we wanted to go with Coral - as far as I know no other companies do this.
They put up a sign which very exciting as we never got a sold sign on our block :(

Then the drot started its work and it took from about 730am to 4pm for him to level the block. We took about 70 photos over the day because we were so excited, but here are a couple for you to look at. The block looks so different now and the house pad looks really big, but I am sure it will feel much larger when the slab goes down and the frame goes up. The site supervisor said that the slab will go down 5th and 6th of October - not long at all!
This is me just after doing a little dance on the house pad after it was finished being cut. YIPEE!!!

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