Monday, October 19, 2009

Framing stage

The frame of the house started going up last Wednesday (14th October). It isn't a prefab frame so it is taking quite a long time to do as they are cutting and assembling all of the wood on site. Prefab frames seem to go up in a couple of days whereas doing it from scratch can take a couple of weeks. It seems as though the carpenters are running a bit behind as they are working on a couple of jobs at the moment so we may experience some delays from that as well.

The first day they started putting up the frame for our bedroom and the front rooms.

After a couple of days they seemed to have the rest of the rooms done.

Then they put some ply-board thingys in strategic locations, and today they started the roof.

It has been so much fun walking around the rooms. Scarily, there have been a couple of things that I didn't notice on the paper plans. Like the main bathroom shower is tiled on three sides when I thought it was only two. Some of the rooms feel really small, whereas others feel really big. There are huge spaces where the windows are going to go and it is hard (but exciting) to imagine what it is going to look like when it is all finished.
They haven't put the frame up for the kitchen yet, that should happen later this week. But they are focussing on finishing the roof and verandah because the gutters and fascia are booked to be installed on Monday next week. All in all, going along slowly but smoothly.

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