Friday, October 2, 2009

Plumbing Palaver Sorted!

How funny is this?

Once the Coral plumber discovered that we were looking at other plumbers to do the job (that he should have done in the first place!) he suddenly 'remembered' certain things that Coral was already paying him to do and dropped the price by $1200! Seriously, I am not in love with tradies at the moment - bunch of crooks!

Anyhoo......even though the other plumbers would have been cheaper, we decided to go with the Coral guy because we think that it will be easier in the end. Meaning that we only need one inspection from the council (instead of 2) and we know who to go back to if things go wrong. Didn't want to go with him, out of principle, but thought it would be easier in the end.

So, the plumbing went ahead as planned on Wednesday (30th Sept). Crossing our fingers that we don't have any other major oversights in the contract. Honestly you try to ask all of the right questions......

Here are some pics of the pretty plumbing (if you are into that sort of thing!)

The very expensive ($600) and ugly (but essential) first flush diverters on the water tank - they keep out all of the dust and yukky stuff when it rains.
This is the pipe that caused us so much grief!

Pretty cool because now we can see where our kitchen and bathrooms are going to be. Yipee!

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